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Diver / Sergeant / Council / MAP / Wilderness / Another Monrovia

Diver ~ University of Michigan signs Monrovian Emily Boyd to diving team.

Sergeant Cleared ~ Monrovia police sergeant cleared of abuse allegations.

City Council ~ The latest Monrovia City Council video is online.

MAP Grads ~ Pix of the Monrovia Area Partnership (MAP) grads:

Wilderness ~ Details on the new wilderness plan

The Other Monrovia ~ Our namesake, Monrovia, Liberia, has its own unique form of news media.

- Brad Haugaard

1 comment:

  1. Funny story from years ago. After Paul Stuart retired from city governmentas Mayor, he and wife Betty took a trip to Monrovia, Liberia. Not long aftertheir visit I received a photograph in the snail mail (pre-email times) ofPaul standing next to a giant rock in Monrovia that had been full of graffiti.Prominent on the rock, and the reason for Paul's sending it to me, were thewords, "For a good time call Charlotte, xxxxxxxx."
