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Burglaries, Thefts and a Fire

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for November 18-23. - Brad Haugaard]

During the last six day period, the Police Department handled 448 service events, resulting in 88 investigations. Following are the last week's highlighted issues and events:

Vehicle Burglary
November 18 at 8:04 a.m., an officer was dispatched to a residence in the 800 block of West Duarte regarding a vehicle burglary. The victim reported his vehicle was broken into during the night. The driver side door was pried open and the stereo and two CD cases containing about 20 CD's were taken.

Grand Theft
November 18 at 9:38 a.m., an officer went to a business in the 3300 block of South Peck to investigate a grand theft. He arrived and was told that sets of aluminum rims were stolen from the property some time during the night.

Residential Burglary - Suspects Arrested
November 18 at 1148 a.m., a caller reported two females were taking a large screen television from her neighbor's house. The suspects drove off in a black Infiniti. The caller reported a license plate number, but the DMV check did not return to an Infinity. Variations of the license number were checked and a match on a 1994 Infinity out of the City of Pacoima was made. The Los Angeles Police Department was called and provided with the crime information. The officer requested they drive by the residence to check for the vehicle. The Los Angeles Police Department later called the officer and advised they had the vehicle detained with two female adults and two child occupants. A large screen television and a computer were found inside the vehicle. The officer responded to Pacoima and arrested the two female suspects, recovered the property, and impounded the vehicle. The children were released to family members.

Driving Under the Influence - Suspect Arrested
November 18 at 12:39 p.m., an officer was flagged down regarding a suspicious vehicle in the area of Colorado and Gladys. The vehicle was located by officers and stopped. The female driver was determined to be driving under the influence and was arrested.

Structure Fire
November 20 at 12:36 a.m., dispatch received several calls reporting a structure fire at an apartment complex in the 700 block of West Foothill. When officers arrived they determined that no persons or animals were inside. Smoke filled the entire complex. Monrovia and Arcadia Fire Departments responded, along with two Arcadia police officers to help with traffic control, while Monrovia officers made sure everyone in the building was safe.

Grand Theft - Suspect Arrested
November 20 at 2:01 p.m., an officer took a grand theft report from a victim that had just realized her jewelry was missing from her home. She had not looked for her jewel for months. Recently, she went to the place were she hid her jewelry box and found the contents gone. There was only one person that had been at her home in the past several months, a relative. The officer confronted the suspect and he admitted to the theft. He was arrested and taken into custody.

Commercial Burglary - Suspect Arrested
November 20 at 2:57 p.m., a business in the 100 block of West Foothill reported a shoplifter in the store. An adult female suspect had been seen previously taking baby formula, using a bag to conceal it and leaving the store without paying. Employees saw the suspect enter the store carrying the same bag she used in the prior burglaries. They called police and an officer responded. The suspect was stopped by the officer, but did not possess identification. She was taken into custody and interviewed. The suspect was identified on surveillance video tape of the burglaries. She was charged with three counts of burglary.

Residential Burglary
November 23 at 12:38 a.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 300 block of South Canyon on the report of a burglary. The victim left his house to go to dinner and when he returned, he found his house had been burglarized. No force was used to enter the home; however, a room inside that was locked had a hole punched through it to gain access. Investigation continuing.

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