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School District: State Using 'Accounting Gimmicks'

Monrovia Schools' Director of Fiscal Services, David Conway, strongly criticized the California State budget in prefacing remarks to a revised school district budget.

Conway said: "As has become standard practice in recent years, the State Budget is balanced using accounting gimmicks, funding shifts, dubious economic forecasts, the assumption of revenue from the Federal government that may not be realized, and an increase in the deferral of state apportionments into the next fiscal year."

He wrote that because the state budget has been balanced in this way, along with the possibility of cuts to educational funding, it is likely the Monrovia School District's estimated budget of about $49 million may soon be deemed to be out of balance.

Here is the full document:

UPDATE: And later, at the board meeting where this information was presented, the board was VERRY ticked off at the state:

- Brad Haugaard

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