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City Manager: Time Running out for Golden State

Methinks City Manager Scott Ochoa is not impressed with the latest California state budget.

From his weekly report ( ):

"It appears as though the State of California will have a budget some time this weekend. Approximately 100 days late, predicated on less-than-conservative revenue estimates, and a yet-unseen-commitment of significant additional federal aid, it would seem that - once again - the Legislature is passing a 'get out of town' budget that will simply carry over an estimated $10 billion deficit to the 2011-12 fiscal year. California was dysfunctional before the Great Recession. If this prolonged fiscal crisis cannot rally and sustain some form of interest (let alone action) from an engaged electorate, then I fear we are approaching a threshold at which - absent significant and meaningful reform - California will no longer be able to succeed in spite of itself. It is not yet too late, but without real leadership - meaning having a Governor and Legislators who will confront and openly and practically address our most pressing issues - time will run out for the 'Golden State'."

- Brad Haugaard

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